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Woodworking Crafts – Issue 77


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In issue 77 of Woodworking Crafts you’ll find plenty to inspire and inform your crafts.

In Projects, Mitch Peacock experiments with shrink pots; Kevin Alviti makes a harvest basket; Amber Bailey gets organised with a marquetry cutlery drawer; Gary Ramsden uses offcuts to make a clock; Alan Holtham builds a console table; Matt Long restores a vintage tea trolley; Fred and Julie Byrne make a woodland-themed chess set; Jerry Carpenter begins work on a new lathe table; Simon Rodway creates a simple tablet stand; Antonio Medica and Valentina Panichi complete their Arts & Crafts-style bookcase; Jim Hooker makes a set of wall lights; and Jim Robinson makes a wishbone mirror. We also have a couple of Christmas projects with Peter Benson’s carved robin centrepiece and Cedric Boyns’ sledging Santa.

In our Techniques articles, Charles Mak covers the basics of the router plane; Anthony Bailey looks at power planers; Derek Jones explains how to use a random orbital sander to its full potential; and Rob Stoakley shares his tips for dealing with clamping awkward shapes.

In Features, we visit a barn and workshop in Maine that was converted into a high-performance house; in honour of National Tree Week, we share some top tips for planting trees; we showcase the final pieces made by the furniture-making students at the Boat Building Academy; Carol Anne Strange discovers the benefits of dead wood; we view driftwood artist James Doran-Webb’s latest sculptures; we meet Ian Musk, General Manager of Hamilton Billiards and Kendal Restoration; and Randy Maxey explains how to winterise your workshop.

All this and more in issue 77 of Woodworking Crafts !

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